Gifts of shares to children: direct or via a trust?
You want to give away some shares in your company to help provide an income for your children. Is it better to make a direct gift to them or should you transfer the shares to a trust with your children as beneficiaries?
Are work-related benefits for disabled persons tax free?
A loyal employee has suffered a disability and needs special equipment to do her job. If she also uses the equipment in her personal life, will it count as a taxable benefit for her?
Tax breaks for work-related training
Training your employees well is generally good for your business but there are tax and NI breaks that can sweeten the pot. What are they and how can you qualify for them?
Investing in woodlands - what are your options?
Investing in woodlands comes with several tax breaks. To make the most of these should you invest personally or through a company?
Can dividends ever be paid from loss-making company?
Dividends are generally the most tax-efficient form of income you can take from your company but they can only be paid out of profits. Despite this, might there be a way for your loss-making company to pay you a dividend?
Tax deductions for health and safety costs
The Health and Safety Executive has sent you a bill for so-called intervention fees. Are you entitled to claim a tax deduction for these?